best natural remedies for anxiety

The 6 best natural remedies for anxiety


Anxiety is characterized by the appearance of a strong feeling of unease coming from an anxiety attack or panic, which can become chronic and affect daily life. Discover our 6 tips to reduce anxiety and help you regain well-being and peace !

Recognize the causes of anxiety and its symptoms

Where does anxiety come from ?

anxiety causes

Anxiety is caused mainly by chronic stress, especially during a professional activity, but also in your private life. It can appear after an event such as the loss of a loved one, illness, but also from an important change in your life (divorce, relocation). Anxiety can also hit you at some periods of life, like after the announcement of a pregnancy or at menopause, which is marked by major hormonal changes.

How does it manifest itself?

The symptoms of anxiety are described as a powerful fear, sometimes felt throughout the day, which has effects on life and daily activities. The anxious person may feel tired, irritable, have trouble focusing or remembering things because of a heavy flow of thoughts. Sometimes, anxiety is also responsible for physical symptoms such as muscle tension, pain in the back or neck, a feeling of tightness in the stomach, even heart problems.

Our 6 tips to cure anxiety

Anxiety has to be decreased when it starts to become too present in our lives. We can then try to set up some routines that will help to better manage it and to lower the level of stress, in order to slowly regain calm and serenity:

1. Welcome your emotions with kindness

Since our childhood, we have learned to hide our emotions, especially our negative ones like anger, fear or sadness. These emotions are part of us, and must be felt and welcomed fully in order to be released. So don't feel guilty if you need to let them out, it will help you feel better and let go!

2. Get away from social networks and the news

anxiety remedies

To heal anxiety, getting away from all the negative can also help you feel better and focus on the positive. The current health situation has been omnipresent in the media for several months now, amplifying this collective phenomenon of anxiety and uncertainty about the future. Getting away from the news and social networks as much as possible is an easy way to keep your mind with more relaxing or positive activities, such as sports or meditation.

3. Focus on your breathing

When we are stressed and anxious, our breathing changes and becomes less steady. Taking the time to practice more conscious breathing, with cardiac coherence for example or abdominal breathing, can help you relax almost instantly during a panic attack. You can also go for “moon breathing”, a new relaxation technique to sleep better !

4. Exercise to relax

anxiety relaxation

To fight against anxiety and stress, physical activity is more than recommended. Through the secretion of endorphin and dopamine, sport helps you to increase your well-being and to release accumulated pressure. For a double action, choose outdoor sports activities to benefit from natural light and fresh air!

5. Pay attention to your sleep and diet

When anxiety lasts for several days, weeks or months, the body is very often disturbed. Sleep disorders may appear, as well as eating habits that encourage excess of sugar, for example. That’s why, you need to try as much as possible to get a restful sleep by listening to podcasts to help you sleep well, and to focus on foods rich in vitamins, minerals and omega-3, which are known for their positive impact on the nervous system.

6. Use food supplements to reduce anxiety

To help you fight against anxiety symptoms you can also take an anti-stress food supplement. Enriched with GABA, rhodiola, hawthorn and vitamin B6, our anti-stress food supplements will provide you support in case of occasional stress (before a professional interview for example) or over a longer period.

Discover them now in our store !

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